Module mimir.attacks.neighborhood

Neighborhood-MIA attack


class BertModel (config: ExperimentConfig, **kwargs)

Base class (for LLMs).

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class BertModel(MaskFillingModel):
    def __init__(self, config: ExperimentConfig, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config, **kwargs)
        self.token_dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.7)
        if == "bert":
            self.tokenizer = transformers.BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(
                "bert-base-uncased", cache_dir=self.cache_dir
            self.model = transformers.BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(
                "bert-base-uncased", cache_dir=self.cache_dir
        elif == "distilbert":
            self.tokenizer = transformers.DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained(
                "distilbert-base-uncased", cache_dir=self.cache_dir
            self.model = transformers.DistilBertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(
                "distilbert-base-uncased", cache_dir=self.cache_dir
        elif == "roberta":
            self.tokenizer = transformers.RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained(
                "roberta-base", cache_dir=self.cache_dir
            self.model = transformers.RobertaForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(
                "roberta-base", cache_dir=self.cache_dir
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid model name {}")

    def generate_neighbors(self, texts, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        neighbors = []
        for text in tqdm(texts, desc="Generating neighbors"):
            neighbors.extend(self.generate_neighbors_(text, **kwargs))
        return neighbors

    def generate_neighbors_(self, text: str, **kwargs):
        in_place_swap = self.config.neighborhood_config.original_tokenization_swap

        tokenizer_output = self.tokenizer(
        text_tokenized =
        n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_perturbations", 25)
        num_tokens = len(text_tokenized[0, :])
        n_swap = int(num_tokens * self.config.neighborhood_config.pct_swap_bert)

        if in_place_swap:
            token_positions = tokenizer_output.offset_mapping[0]

        replacements = dict()

        target_token_indices = range(1, num_tokens)
        for target_token_index in target_token_indices:
            target_token = text_tokenized[0, target_token_index]
            if == "bert":
                embeds = self.model.bert.embeddings(text_tokenized)
            elif == "distilbert":
                embeds = self.model.distilbert.embeddings(text_tokenized)
            elif == "roberta":
                embeds = self.model.roberta.embeddings(text_tokenized)

            embeds =
                    embeds[:, :target_token_index, :],
                    self.token_dropout(embeds[:, target_token_index, :]).unsqueeze(
                    embeds[:, target_token_index + 1 :, :],

            token_probs = torch.softmax(self.model(inputs_embeds=embeds).logits, dim=2)

            original_prob = token_probs[0, target_token_index, target_token]

            top_probabilities, top_candidates = torch.topk(
                token_probs[:, target_token_index, :], 6, dim=1

            for cand, prob in zip(top_candidates[0], top_probabilities[0]):
                if not cand == target_token:
                    # alt =[:,:target_token_index], torch.LongTensor([cand]).unsqueeze(0).to(device), text_tokenized[:,target_token_index+1:]), dim=1)
                    # alt_text = search_tokenizer.batch_decode(alt)[0]
                    if original_prob.item() == 1:
                        replacements[(target_token_index, cand)] = prob.item() / (
                            1 - 0.9
                        replacements[(target_token_index, cand)] = prob.item() / (
                            1 - original_prob.item()

        if self.config.neighborhood_config.neighbor_strategy == "deterministic":
            replacement_keys = nlargest(n_neighbors, replacements, key=replacements.get)
            replacements_new = dict()
            for rk in replacement_keys:
                replacements_new[rk] = replacements[rk]

            replacements = replacements_new

            # TODO: Not sure if this is needed (perhaps making sure we never take >= 100)? Consider removing later
            highest_scored = nlargest(100, replacements, key=replacements.get)

            neighbors = []
            for single in highest_scored:
                target_token_index, cand = single

                if in_place_swap:
                    # Get indices of original text that we want to swap out
                    start, end = token_positions[target_token_index]
                    # Get text corresponding to cand token
                    fill_in_text = self.tokenizer.decode(cand)
                    # Remove any '##' from prefix (since we're doing a plug back into text)
                    fill_in_text = fill_in_text.replace("##", "")
                    alt_text = text[:start] + fill_in_text + text[end:]
                    alt = text_tokenized
                    alt =
                            alt[:, :target_token_index],
                            alt[:, target_token_index + 1 :],
                    alt_text = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(alt)[0]
                    # Remove [CLS] and [SEP] tokens
                    alt_text = alt_text.replace("[CLS]", "").replace("[SEP]", "")
                    # texts.append((alt_text, replacements[single]))

        elif self.config.neighborhood_config.neighbor_strategy == "random":
            if not in_place_swap:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Random neighbor strategy only works with in_place_swap=True right now"

            # Make new dict replacements_new with structure [key[0]]: (key[1], value) for all keys in replacements
            replacements_new = dict()
            for k, v in replacements.items():
                if k[0] not in replacements_new:
                    replacements_new[k[0]] = []
                replacements_new[k[0]].append((k[1].item(), v))
            # Sort each entry by score
            for k, v in replacements_new.items():
                replacements_new[k] = sorted(v, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

            num_trials = int(1e3)
            replacements, scores = [], []
            for _ in range(num_trials):
                # Pick n_swap random positions
                swap_positions = np.random.choice(
                    list(replacements_new.keys()), n_swap, replace=False
                # Out of all replacements, pick keys where target_token_index is in swap_positions
                picked = [replacements_new[x][0] for x in swap_positions]
                # Compute score (sum)
                score = sum([x[1] for x in picked])
                # Also keep track of replacements (position, candidate)
                    [(i, replacements_new[i][0][0]) for i in swap_positions]

            # Out of all trials, pick n_neighbors combinations (highest scores)
            highest_scored = nlargest(
                n_neighbors, zip(scores, replacements), key=lambda x: x[0]

            neighbors = []
            for _, single in highest_scored:
                # Sort according to target_token_index
                single = sorted(single, key=lambda x: x[0])
                # Get corresponding positions in text
                single = [
                    (token_positions[target_token_index], cand)
                    for target_token_index, cand in single
                # Add start of text (before first swap)
                end_prev = 0
                alt_text = ""
                for (start, end), cand in single:
                    # Get text corresponding to cand token
                    fill_in_text = self.tokenizer.decode(cand)
                    # Remove any '##' from prefix (since we're doing a plug back into text)
                    fill_in_text = fill_in_text.replace("##", "")
                    alt_text += text[end_prev:start] + fill_in_text
                    end_prev = end
                # Add remainder text (after last swap)
                start, end = single[-1][0]
                alt_text += text[end:]

            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Invalid neighbor strategy {self.config.neighborhood_config.neighbor_strategy}"

        # return texts
        return neighbors



def generate_neighbors(self, texts, **kwargs) ‑> List[str]
def generate_neighbors_(self, text: str, **kwargs)

Inherited members

class MaskFillingModel (config: ExperimentConfig, **kwargs)

Base class (for LLMs).

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class MaskFillingModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, config: ExperimentConfig, **kwargs):
        super(MaskFillingModel, self).__init__(config, **kwargs)
        self.device = self.config.env_config.device_aux = self.config.neighborhood_config.model

    def generate_neighbors(self, texts, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        raise NotImplementedError("generate_neighbors not implemented")


  • Model
  • torch.nn.modules.module.Module



def generate_neighbors(self, texts, **kwargs) ‑> List[str]

Inherited members

class NeighborhoodAttack (config: ExperimentConfig, target_model: Model, ref_model: ReferenceModel = None, **kwargs)
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class NeighborhoodAttack(Attack):

    def __init__(
        config: ExperimentConfig,
        target_model: Model,
        ref_model: ReferenceModel = None,
        super().__init__(config, target_model, ref_model=None)
        self.ref_model = self._pick_neighbor_model()
        assert issubclass(type(self.ref_model), MaskFillingModel), "ref_model must be MaskFillingModel for neighborhood attack"

    def get_mask_model(self):
            Return the mask filling model.
        return self.ref_model

    def create_fill_dictionary(self, data):
            (Only valid for T5 model) Create fill-fictionary used for random_fills
        neigh_config = self.config.neighborhood_config
        if "t5" in neigh_config.model and neigh_config.random_fills:
            if not self.config.pretokenized:
                # TODO: maybe can be done if detokenized, but currently not supported

    def _pick_neighbor_model(self):
            Select and load the mask filling model requested in the config.
        # mask filling t5 model
        mask_model = None
        neigh_config = self.config.neighborhood_config
        env_config = self.config.env_config

        model_kwargs = dict()
        if not neigh_config.random_fills:
            if env_config.int8:
                model_kwargs = dict(
                    load_in_8bit=True, device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16
            elif env_config.half:
                model_kwargs = dict(torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16)
                n_positions = (
                    512  # Should fix later, but for T-5 this is 512 indeed
                # mask_model.config.n_positions
            except AttributeError:
                n_positions = self.config.max_tokens
            n_positions = self.config.max_tokens
        tokenizer_kwargs = {
            "model_max_length": n_positions,

        print(f"Loading mask filling model {neigh_config.model}...")
        if "t5" in neigh_config.model:
            mask_model = T5Model(
        elif "bert" in neigh_config.model:
            mask_model = BertModel(self.config)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown model {neigh_config.model}")
        # if config.dataset_member in ['english', 'german']:
        #     preproc_tokenizer = mask_tokenizer
        return mask_model

    def load(self):
        Any attack-specific steps (one-time) preparation
        print("MOVING MASK MODEL TO GPU...", end="", flush=True)

    def get_neighbors(self, documents, **kwargs):
            Generate neighbors for given documents.
        n_perturbations = kwargs.get("n_perturbations", 1)
        span_length = kwargs.get("span_length", 10)
        neigh_config = self.config.neighborhood_config
        ceil_pct = neigh_config.ceil_pct
        kwargs = {}
        if type(self.ref_model) == T5Model:
            kwargs = {
                "span_length": span_length,
                "pct": neigh_config.pct_words_masked,
                "chunk_size": self.config.chunk_size,
                "ceil_pct": ceil_pct,
        kwargs["n_perturbations"] = n_perturbations

        # Generate neighbors
        neighbors = self.ref_model.generate_neighbors(documents, **kwargs)
        return neighbors

    def _attack(self, document, probs, tokens=None, **kwargs):
        Neighborhood attack score. Looks at difference in likelihood for given document and average likelihood of its neighbors
        # documents here are actually neighbors
        batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 4)
        substr_neighbors = kwargs.get("substr_neighbors", None)
        loss = kwargs.get("loss", None)
        if loss is None:
            loss = self.target_model.get_ll(document, probs=probs, tokens=tokens)

        # Only evaluate neighborhood attack when not caching neighbors
        mean_substr_score = self.target_model.get_lls(
            substr_neighbors, batch_size=batch_size
        d_based_score = loss - mean_substr_score
        return d_based_score



def create_fill_dictionary(self, data)

(Only valid for T5 model) Create fill-fictionary used for random_fills

def get_mask_model(self)

Return the mask filling model.

def get_neighbors(self, documents, **kwargs)

Generate neighbors for given documents.

Inherited members

class T5Model (config: ExperimentConfig, **kwargs)

Base class (for LLMs).

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class T5Model(MaskFillingModel):
    def __init__(self, config: ExperimentConfig, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config, **kwargs)
        model_kwargs = self.kwargs.get("model_kwargs", {})
        tokenizer_kwargs = self.kwargs.get("tokenizer_kwargs", {})

        self.model = transformers.AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(
  , **model_kwargs, cache_dir=self.cache_dir
        self.tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
  , **tokenizer_kwargs, cache_dir=self.cache_dir

        # define regex to match all <extra_id_*> tokens, where * is an integer
        self.pattern = re.compile(r"<extra_id_\d+>")

    def create_fill_dictionary(self, data):
        self.FILL_DICTIONARY = set()
        for texts in data.values():
            for text in texts:
        self.FILL_DICTIONARY = sorted(list(self.FILL_DICTIONARY))

    def tokenize_and_mask(
        self, text: str, span_length: int, pct: float, ceil_pct: bool = False
        buffer_size = self.config.neighborhood_config.buffer_size

        tokens = text.split(" ")
        mask_string = "<<<mask>>>"

        span_length = min(int(pct * len(tokens)), span_length)
        # avoid div zero:

        span_length = max(1, span_length)

        n_spans = pct * len(tokens) / (span_length + buffer_size * 2)
        if ceil_pct:
            n_spans = np.ceil(n_spans)
        n_spans = int(n_spans)

        n_masks = 0
        while n_masks < n_spans:
            start = np.random.randint(0, max(1, len(tokens) - span_length))
            end = start + span_length
            search_start = max(0, start - buffer_size)
            search_end = min(len(tokens), end + buffer_size)
            if mask_string not in tokens[search_start:search_end]:
                tokens[start:end] = [mask_string]
                n_masks += 1

        # replace each occurrence of mask_string with <extra_id_NUM>, where NUM increments
        num_filled = 0
        for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
            if token == mask_string:
                tokens[idx] = f"<extra_id_{num_filled}>"
                num_filled += 1
        assert num_filled == n_masks, f"num_filled {num_filled} != n_masks {n_masks}"
        text = " ".join(tokens)
        return text

    def extract_fills(self, texts):
        # remove <pad> from beginning of each text
        texts = [x.replace("<pad>", "").replace("</s>", "").strip() for x in texts]

        # return the text in between each matched mask token
        extracted_fills = [self.pattern.split(x)[1:-1] for x in texts]

        # remove whitespace around each fill
        extracted_fills = [[y.strip() for y in x] for x in extracted_fills]

        return extracted_fills

    def replace_masks(self, texts: List[str]):
        Replace each masked span with a sample from T5 mask_model
        mask_top_p = self.config.neighborhood_config.top_p
        n_expected = count_masks(texts)
        stop_id = self.tokenizer.encode(f"<extra_id_{max(n_expected)}>")[0]
        tokens = self.tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).to(
        outputs = self.model.generate(
        return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=False)

    def generate_neighbors_(self, texts: List[str], **kwargs):
        span_length: int = kwargs.get("span_length")
        pct: float = kwargs.get("pct")
        ceil_pct: bool = kwargs.get("ceil_pct", False)
        base_tokenizer = kwargs.get("base_tokenizer", None)
        neigh_config = self.config.neighborhood_config

        if not neigh_config.random_fills:
            masked_texts = [
                self.tokenize_and_mask(x, span_length, pct, ceil_pct) for x in texts
            raw_fills = self.replace_masks(masked_texts)
            extracted_fills = self.extract_fills(raw_fills)
            perturbed_texts = apply_extracted_fills(masked_texts, extracted_fills)
            idxs = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(perturbed_texts) if x == ""]

            # Handle the fact that sometimes the model doesn't generate the right number of fills and we have to try again
            attempts = 1
            break_out_of_loop: bool = False
            while "" in perturbed_texts:
                if attempts > neigh_config.max_tries:
                    for idx in idxs:
                        perturbed_texts[idx] = texts[idx]
                    break_out_of_loop = True
                if break_out_of_loop:
                idxs = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(perturbed_texts) if x == ""]
                    f"WARNING: {len(idxs)} texts have no fills. Trying again [attempt {attempts}]."
                masked_texts = [
                    self.tokenize_and_mask(x, span_length, pct, ceil_pct)
                    for idx, x in enumerate(texts)
                    if idx in idxs
                raw_fills = self.replace_masks(masked_texts)
                extracted_fills = self.extract_fills(raw_fills)
                new_perturbed_texts = apply_extracted_fills(
                    masked_texts, extracted_fills
                for idx, x in zip(idxs, new_perturbed_texts):
                    perturbed_texts[idx] = x
                attempts += 1
            if neigh_config.random_fills_tokens:
                if base_tokenizer is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "base_tokenizer must be provided if random_fills and random_fills_tokens are True"

                # tokenize base_tokenizer
                tokens = base_tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).to(
                valid_tokens = tokens.input_ids != base_tokenizer.pad_token_id
                replace_pct = neigh_config.pct_words_masked * (
                    / (neigh_config.span_length + 2 * neigh_config.buffer_size)

                # replace replace_pct of input_ids with random tokens
                random_mask = (
                    torch.rand(tokens.input_ids.shape, device=self.device) < replace_pct
                random_mask &= valid_tokens
                random_tokens = torch.randint(
                # while any of the random tokens are special tokens, replace them with random non-special tokens
                while any(
                    base_tokenizer.decode(x) in base_tokenizer.all_special_tokens
                    for x in random_tokens
                    random_tokens = torch.randint(
                tokens.input_ids[random_mask] = random_tokens
                perturbed_texts = base_tokenizer.batch_decode(
                    tokens.input_ids, skip_special_tokens=True
                masked_texts = [
                    self.tokenize_and_mask(x, span_length, pct, ceil_pct) for x in texts
                perturbed_texts = masked_texts
                # replace each <extra_id_*> with neigh_config.span_length random words from FILL_DICTIONARY
                for idx, text in enumerate(perturbed_texts):
                    filled_text = text
                    for fill_idx in range(count_masks([text])[0]):
                        fill = random.sample(self.FILL_DICTIONARY, span_length)
                        filled_text = filled_text.replace(
                            f"<extra_id_{fill_idx}>", " ".join(fill)
                    assert (
                        count_masks([filled_text])[0] == 0
                    ), "Failed to replace all masks"
                    perturbed_texts[idx] = filled_text

        return perturbed_texts

    def generate_neighbors(self, texts, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_perturbations", 25)
        # Repeat text if T-5 model
        texts_use = [x for x in texts for _ in range(n_neighbors)]

        chunk_size = self.config.chunk_size
        if "11b" in self.config.neighborhood_config.model:
            chunk_size //= 2

        outputs = []
        for i in tqdm(
            range(0, len(texts_use), chunk_size), desc="Applying perturbations"
                self.generate_neighbors_(texts_use[i : i + chunk_size], **kwargs)
        return outputs



def create_fill_dictionary(self, data)
def extract_fills(self, texts)
def generate_neighbors(self, texts, **kwargs) ‑> List[str]
def generate_neighbors_(self, texts: List[str], **kwargs)
def replace_masks(self, texts: List[str])

Replace each masked span with a sample from T5 mask_model

def tokenize_and_mask(self, text: str, span_length: int, pct: float, ceil_pct: bool = False)

Inherited members